
August 9, 2011

Does Anyone Else Have this Issue?


That up there is a nasty word...isn't it?  Unfortunately it is something that I am extremely good at!  I don't really remember if I was good at it in High School...oh wait... I was.  And then I was GREAT at it in college.  I am good at it at work.... and now, in my business also I am becoming proficient at procrastinating when things need to get done. 

Normally I do not procrastinate when it comes to my business... I am loving creating things for others and blown away by the fact that people think something I created is good enough for them to spend money on. 

However, today my worlds collided.  I found out that I have a week and a half to pack up my classroom and have it ready to move... which is totally fine and reasonable and I am excited about moving!  BUT... in my other worlds there is other things going on that make this timeline a little bit stressful for me.  Such as having a garage sale this weekend to sell the humongous pile of clothing that I cleaned out of my closet this weekend.  There is also the fact that I have a craft show I am preparing for that is next weekend.  Then there is normal stuff... day to day stuff.  I want to spend more and more time with my Little Ladybug as I have to leave her for half the day again starting in just a month.  The house needs vacuuming, mopping, dusting, and the list goes on and on.

When all these things collide I freak out, stress out, and then just kind of shut down and procrastinate.  Hence the reason I called my husband today and informed him that tonight we are:

A) Going to Taco Bell for dinner (yes, I know... healthy right?)
B) Heading to the beach for the first time all summer! 

I am looking forward to tonight! Maybe a little bit of procrastination will be just what I need to realize it will all get done and it will all be okay. 

In other news... I made this for myself since I will have to wear my school ID badge at school this year

Once I am done with the craft show I am going to be selling these cute lanyards in my etsy store... which I have to get up and running... oh the list never ends!

Does anyone want a tutorial on how to make these???


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